Earn for every payment you accept for Pisopay.com merchants.
Be an accredited Pisopay.com Partner now and accept payment for over 100 merchants. It is easy and you don’t need additional investment to start, be the first in your neighborhood now.
Earn for every payment you accept for Pisopay.com merchants.
Be an accredited Pisopay.com Partner now and accept payment for over 100 merchants. It is easy and you don’t need additional investment to start, be the first in your neighborhood now.
Login to your app or to our webportal: my.pisopay.com. Go to Bills Payment page and select the biller that you wish to pay. Once selected, input the following details:
The amount will be automaticall deducted to your wallet. You will receive a transaction confirmation via SMS & email.
Visit your nearest PisoPay Business Center Outlet and ask for Bills Payment Service. Completely fill-up the form with the following details:
Pay the corresponding amount and wait for your receipt. You will receive a transaction confirmation via SMS & email.